Thursday, May 09, 2002

Sleeping pills. Surely they're meant to help you have a good night's sleep? My doctor prescribed some for me a couple of weeks ago, as I kept waking up in the middle of the night and then oversleeping.

I've only taken them a couple of times - when I have had two or three sleepless nights in a row - but each time I have, guess what? Yes, I've woken up in the middle of the night and then overslept.

They seem to have no effect whatsoever - perhaps he gave me placebos? One more thing: either he didn't want me to get addicted to them, or he was worried I would try to overdose, as he gave me just five of the things.

So, anyway, I'm a bit grumpy and tired today. Have you had any experience of sleeping pills? Good or bad?

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