Thursday, June 21, 2001

First, go off and read Nick Jordan's tale of twisted testicles. Now, if you managed to read that without crossing your legs and blacking out, you may be man enough to read the following story - although I warn you it contains scenes of graphic sexual acts, pain, humilation and genital modification. From the outset.

This happened when I was 25. I had a convenient occasional sexual relationship with a guy who lived in the building next to mine. Now, Marco liked it deep, fast, and hard. And he liked to let you know that he liked it deep, fast, and hard. "Deeper!" he would cry, "Faster! Harder!" And I would plug away at him, as deep and as fast and as hard as I could.

Until one night...

There I was, working up a sweat, slamming away like a jack-rabbit, like a pile-driver, when it - well, it slipped out. Without my realising. And I slammed it as deep, and as fast, and as hard as I could, into his groin. It was like slamming it into a wall.

I felt - heard? - a snap! and blacked-out instantly. Marco clearly thought I'd just fallen asleep or something, and went to sleep himself.

Several hours later, I woke up in agony. I slid off the bed and crawled gingerly to the bathroom. I switched on the light, looked down, and... screamed. Where my scrotum had been was now a huge purple ball, about the size of a grapefruit. In fact, it looked like a large black satsuma. I passed-out again.

The next day, I went to the doctor, and he explained what had happened: the shaft of the penis is made up of two sponge-like columns of vascular tissue which fill up with blood, producing an erection. Well, the force of slamming it into him had sheared one of these columns, snapping it in two, causing the blood to seek the only escape route open to it - my scrotum. Yes, in laymen's terms, I had broken my cock.

There was nothing for it but to wait for it to subside. And wait I did. It took a couple of months for the discoloration and swelling to completely disppear. The blackness gradually faded to deep purple, and it slowly became smaller and smaller till there was just one plum-coloured spot on my, er, plums.


About three days after the accident, when it was still ripe and swollen, I had an horrific thought: my scrotum was filled with blood - what would happen if I wanked? Would it explode in a bloody rain? Would I be covered in torrents of gore? There was only one thing for it. Yes, although it was the most painful thing I had ever done, even though my cock felt like it was stuffed with broken glass, I took myself in hand and forced myself, coaxed myself to wank...

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